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#minute (0-59),                                                    # 
#|      hour (0-23),                                               # 
#|      |       day of the month (1-31),                           # 
#|      |       |       month of the year (1-12),                  # 
#|      |       |       |       day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday)# 
#|      |       |       |       |       commands                   # 
30      01      *       *       *       /home/jim/bin/cleartmp 

59 23 * * Sun pirogram
Soldan sağa ayaktakiler:
-Saatin dakikası  (0-59)
-G�n�n saati   (0-23)
-Ayın g�n�   (1-31)
-Ay  (1-12)
-Haftanın g�n�(sun = paz = 0)
-Belirtilen g�n ve zamandaki �alıştırılacak program

As an example the following will run the script /home/steve/bin/foo after the system has been rebooted regardless of the time of day:

@reboot /home/steve/bin/foo

There are several shortcuts you can use in addition to @reboot. The full list is:



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Page last modified on March 24, 2006, at 01:28 PM