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Ruby.CodeblocksIterations History

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December 01, 2006, at 01:43 AM by
Changed line 1 from:

Code Block and Iterations


Code Blocks and Iterations

December 01, 2006, at 01:41 AM by
Changed line 99 from:
  1. O'Reilly Cook Book
  1. O'Reilly Ruby Cook Book
December 01, 2006, at 01:41 AM by
Added lines 1-100:

Code Block and Iterations (:code:) #!/usr/bin/ruby # # code blocks and iterations # #array-each [1,2,3,4].each do |x| puts "x: #{x}" end #upto 1.upto(5) do |x| puts x end #hash-each {"a" => 1, "b" => 2}.each do |k,v| puts "k: #{k} v: #{v}" end #array-select a = [1,2,49,100,111].select { |x| x < 50 } puts a #blok olu&#351;turulmas&#305; block = lambda { |x| puts x } "roger that!" #parametre olarak block kabul eden fonksiyon yaz&#305;lmas&#305;(1) #Ruby'de bir methodun blok kabul etmesi i�in ekstra bi&#351;ey #yapmaya gerek yokmu&#351;. Sadece method'da yield'&#305;n olmas&#305; yeterli. def call_twice puts "x" yield puts "y" yield end call_twice { puts "z" } #parametre olarak block kabul eden fonksiyon yaz&#305;lmas&#305;(2) #paramete olarak girilen blo&#287;u n'in de&#287;eri kadar yazar. def repeat(n) if block_given? n.times { yield } else raise"Blok yoksa, tekrar da yok!") end end repeat(3) { puts "Repeat after me!" } #Blo&#287;una arguman g�nderen method def call_twice2 puts "aa" r1 = yield("birinci") puts "r1: #{r1}" puts "bb" r2 = yield("ikinci") puts "r2: #{r2}" end call_twice2 do |y| puts "block: #{y}" y == "birinci" ? 1 : 2 end #E&#287;er method'da yield varsa ve method'a blok g�nderilmiyorsa #ruby istisna f&#305;rlat&#305;r. #[1,2,3].each #Bir kod blo&#287;unun bir de&#287;i&#351;kenle ba&#287;da&#351;t&#305;r&#305;l&#305;p(bind) #bir method'a parametre olarak g�ndermek. #NOT: Kod blok arguman&#305; son arguman olmal&#305;! def repeat2(n, &block) n.times { yield } if block #veya #n.times { } if block end repeat2(3) { puts "Copy that!" } #Blok d&#305;&#351;&#305;nda tan&#305;mlanan de&#287;i&#351;kenlerin blok i�inde kullan&#305;lmas&#305; var = 3 position = lambda do puts "var: #{var}" end var = 5 #Iterasyonun durdurulmas&#305;(break) #NOT: ile tan&#305;mlanan bir blokta "break" kullan&#305;lamaz, #o y�zden blo&#287;u "lambda" ile olu&#351;turmak daha makul olurmu&#351;. 3.upto(10) do |x| puts "x: #{x}" break if x == 5 end #Kaynaklar: #O'Reilly Cook Book

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Page last modified on December 01, 2006, at 01:43 AM